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Dishing the Dirt: January 2025 Newsletter


Happy New Year! 2025 will be a busy and exciting year for Sandy’s Garden. We look forward to getting completely established at our Annie Crow Road location. This past Fall saw us putting in fencing, planting apple trees and blueberry bushes, as well as starting on the chicken coop, greenhouse, and beehives. This Spring will be the beginning of the real fun - we plan to plant cherry trees, blackberry and raspberry bushes, and start the asparagus bed and strawberry patch. We will also begin to plant the early crops including cabbage and broccoli. At the end of March, the chicks and ducklings will arrive and move into their brand new coop! 

In between then and now, we will enclose the greenhouse frame in plastic. We want to plant greens such as kale, turnips, spinach, and lettuce ASAP. We were hoping to have this completed by now, but the wind storms of early December destroyed our original plastic cover the very day we put it on. After a few modifications to strengthen the design, we plan to finish the greenhouse as soon as this snow disappears. 

We are in need of some treated lumber in order to frame the base, as well as build the entrance. Do you or someone you know have any extra pieces in your yard? We will gladly take them off your hands! 

Speaking of donations, I want to thank everyone who have so generously donated their time, talent, and treasure in order to get Sandy’s Garden up and running! We were gifted the greenhouse frame, (which was put together with some real muscle from several volunteers), a rototiller to work the soil, and enough bales of straw to create two raised carrot beds. We also had quite a successful Giving Tuesday campaign, raising some much needed funds. There is a lot of work ahead of us, and with your continued help, we will soon be able to deliver hundreds of pounds of fresh, healthy, and nutritious food to people who need a helping hand. 

Some final notes! Keep your eyes and ears open for our volunteer opportunities in the garden, as well as at our future fundraising events. Also remember that if you are looking for a special gift, you can always make a donation in the name of a friend or loved one to Sandy’s Garden. Go to the donation page on our website, where you will receive a card suitable for gifting, informing the recipient that a donation has been made in their honor. 

Stay warm my friends. Thank you for your support. Dream of Spring! 

Sandy Zappia 🙂 

Executive Director 

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